Today is Thursday, March 6, 2025
March Word of the Month: Honesty
Stating openly what is known to be true.
Sports this week:
Thu 3/6: Bowling Home vs Dupo @4:00pm
Track Tryouts 3:00-5:00pm
Fri 3/7: Track Tryouts 3:00-5:00pm
Sat 3/8: 8th Volleyball Regionals at Triad
Mon 3/10: Soccer Tryouts 3:00-4:45pm
Student Announcements:
March 3-7: School Social Work Week
This past weekend, our Science Olympiad team competed at the regional competition, and we are beyond proud to announce that all 12 of our team members placed in at least one event and earned medals! Our school was also honored with the Spirit Award for outstanding sportsmanship and team spirit!
This award recognizes the positivity, teamwork, and encouragement our students showed throughout the competition. Please join us in congratulating these amazing students for their hard work and for representing Mascoutah with excellence! Way to go, Science Olympians!
Penny Wars Finals: We raised over $830 for Siteman Cancer Center Research Fund! Way to go MMS!
Soccer tryouts this year will be Monday, March 10, Tuesday, March 11 and Thursday March 13 from 3:00 to 4:45. Please make sure you have a current physical on file with the nurse before tryouts. The sign up sheet is in the office. You must be signed up to try out. All games and practices will be at the middle school turf field. If you have any questions please email Coach Black ( and/or Coach Henson (
Little Caesars Fundraising: deliciousness is on its way! We are running
a fundraiser from February 10th - March 11th, to raise money for Mascoutah Middle
School. Let’s come together as a community to help fund the Mascoutah Middle School PBIS program supplies and activities to make this fundraiser a success. Your support will go a
long way! We need your help to make this happen. Use the QR code to order and kits
will be delivered to your house. Little Caesars
Students with perfect attendance each month will get a coupon for a free soda or snack in the cafeteria during their lunch hour. Students who achieved perfect attendance in the month will receive a coupon from their flex teacher that they should take to the perfect attendance cart that will be set up in the cafeteria to receive their reward.
Sensory Lunch in the library is only open to students on an invitation basis. Students who come to sensory lunch who are not on the list will not be allowed to stay. If you are in sensory lunch, you must stay the entire lunch period.
Attention 8th graders: summer school is now full. If anyone would want to turn in a form we will add them to the waiting list, and only reach out if they were able to secure a spot for summer school. Driver's Education information for incoming 9th graders: Freshmen who turn 15 years old by October 1, 2025 are eligible to take Driver's Ed semester 1. If they turn 15 years old by April 1, 2026, they are eligible to take Driver's Ed semester 2.