Please stop by Mrs. DeBusk's room for an additional handout with further details on submissions. Rehearsals will be Monday-Friday until 4:30pm.
Directions for video submissions:
Your face must be seen.
State your name, grade, and team
Stand up as if you're performing live on stage.
Make sure no one else is in your audition video.
Important dates to remember:
Video Submissions Due: Friday, 1/17 by 3:10
Singing Call-Backs: Tuesday, 1/21
Acting Auditions: Wednesday, 1/22
Cast posted: Friday, 1/24
Read Through dates: 1/27 & 1/28
Dress Rehearsal: 5/5-5/9
Tech Week: 5/12-5/15
Show Dates: 5/16 & 5/17
School Show: 5/19